ViolatorX: ChauncyK if I can guess again I'll take my other guess in #6
Yep, that's right! And now for a few explanations...
1. I have triplet daughters. -
I've posted pics of them on here 2. I have several tattoos. -
I've spent probably 12-14 hours total under the buzzing needle, and every tattoo means something specific to me 3. Rather than have a bachelor party, I spent the weekend before my marriage at a wrestling fanfest. -
I very rarely drink & see no point in watching strippers, but there was a legends fanfest (wrestling stars of the 60's-90's) the weekend before so I figured why not?! 4. Disco music is a guilty pleasure of mine. -
I just listen to it, I don't actually dance to it! 5. My step-father worked with Jon Bon Jovi's father. -
AT&T up in northern New Jersey! 6. I've never been outside of North America. -
*LIE* My father was in the army, so as a baby I lived in West Germany for about 6 weeks. 7. Boston Terriers have been in my family longer than I have. -
Wonderful pets, full of energy, smart, protective, and great with kids! I believe the first one in my family came along 20 years before I did! 8. I've been on a reality tv show. -
Make Room For Multiples, Season 1 Episode 13! The Barton Triplets! 9. I survived a stroke. -
My blood pressure was always borderline & dummy me never took it seriously until I woke up one morning with my right eye completely out of focus. I'd had a stroke from high blood pressure. Luckily, it was in my eye & not in my brain. And luckily, I recovered with nothing more than a small blind spot...I was warned I could've lost not just my eyesight, but the eye itself. If anyone ever learns just ONE thing from me, its not take your blood pressure lightly! If the arteriole had burst in my brain instead of my eye, it might've killed me. (btw, I'm really surprised no one picked this one as my lie) 10. I'm an only child. -
My mother miscarried twice after me, but that was it.