uxtull: Weak. Sony was right to announce their new hardware earlier, MS failed to show anything substantially better. I couldn't care less about TV/multimedia services that will be unavailable to me anyway, same thing goes for the new Kinect and crappy games MS is cooking for it.
Same here. Once again Microsoft managed to make a underwhelming show. Sony's conference wasn't that impressive either, but it was definitely much better because it showed games, Microsoft didn't. Killzone Shadow Fall was far more impressive than anything Microsoft has shown for the Xbox One. COD Ghosts wasn't impressive either, but it isn't an exclusive game.
A new Halo TV show? Cool, but what about the games? People don't buy consoles to watch TV, you know.
Another thing that i don't like about the Xbox in general is how US-centric some of it's features are. Most things shown at the event won't even be available anywhere other than the US. I know that the US is the biggest market for the Xbox (while Sony usually has the edge in Europe), but c'mon, things like this certainly won't help them gain market in other countries.
What the fuck was the NFL thing? Who the fuck cares about NFL related stuff on a console? Wasn't it supposed to be about the games? Even if it was something related to soccer, which is the sport i like the most, i still wouldn't care about it.
So far i think Sony has done a better job. At least they seem to be focused on games, unlike Microsoft.