granny: A response to her 'first' Tropes video, which I particularly enjoyed as the maker did it without raising $160,000: So I checked out the video “More than a damsel in a dress: A response”.
Wall of text follows. I felt that the reasoning in the video was really poor. Here are some examples (I tried to be as brief as I could - I missed out a heap of things I could have mentioned):
“What if we view those who have to rely on others as brave individuals rather than calling them victims?” Seriously? Having to rely on others is brave? No, it's not. It's lazy.
“The damsels in distress are not being rescued to satisfy the desires of Mario and Link, but rather to return order to their respective kingdoms...” That has nothing to do with the damsel in distress trope. The trope isn't about the desires of the protagonists, its about the protagonists story, which includes bringing peace to the kingdom (by rescuing the princess/damsel/chick/other object). Having sex with the princess “or bed them” as the author puts is not a requirement of the trope – mentioning that is as irrelevant as mentioning that they don't want to give them a pat on the head.
Also, the fact that the persons being rescued are princesses (and therefore control the kingdom) has no relevance to the trope at all. “She's a little ditzy, loveably dainty, and the stereotypical helpless princess in need of her hero.” That statement simply reinforces the trope.
The fact that some gamers might “love” Princess Peach, doesn't make the storylines less tropey. Some people like the trope, that's fine, it's still a trope.
The fact that she is in some games without the any storyline such as mario kart, doesn't alter the fact that the games she is in with any kind of a storyline involve the damsel in distress trope.
The author couldn't understand why Anita focussed on Zelda as a negative example of the damsel in distress trope? Because that was what the video was about. The Damsel in Distress Trope. It's right there in the description of the video!
“Zelda is an example of unfaltering wisdom and elegance?” Maybe she is, I haven't played all the Zelda games but the ones I have played, she is the girl I have to rescue. If she was so wise, why do I have to keep rescuing her?
“Zelda is always going to be subject to the evil of those who seek to bring down the kingdom. That's a burden she is born with as a princess” Why? Why can't she be someone who can fight evil (through brains or brawn or unfaltering wisdom and elegance?)? Because Nintendo decided she should rather be the girl who get's rescued.
The fact that there are a examples of games which don't involve the trope, doesn't lessen the relevance of the trope. No-one is suggesting the trope exists in every game. If that was the case, Anita wouldn't be proposing to make a series of videos about other tropes in video games.
I will try to look at some of the videos but the lack of critical thinking (and in this video the implication that critical thinking is somehow bad) hurts my brain...