I almost had a heart attack when I saw this piece of news. I bought Overseer just recently for about $20 but couldn't make it work. I thought I'd never be able to play the game, but now I just have to wait for a bit longer. I'm so happy that I don't mind it at all that I wasted money on a physical copy.
Under a Killing Moon is one of the best games I have ever played in my life. It's definitely worth the price because the game is long (if you don't use hints or walkthroughs, it will probably take quite a while to complete), it has a great and intriguing plot, interesting characters, dialogue and tons of funny little details that make the experience rich. For example, I love reading the random articles in the newspaper you find early on in the game.
UAKM may not be everyone's cup of tea, but if you like a good story, tongue in cheek play with clichés and games that require you to think a little, give it a try!