kalirion: I'm sorry, you're right. I should have said "Abandonware is a term coined by people pretending they are not pirates, and who resort to name-calling when they can't think of a counter-argument, nothing more."
Oh, I can write a loooong counter-argument that wipes the floor with your weak point but I'm smart enough to see when it's pointless and in your case it is so why would I make the effort?
And you deserved the name-calling for basically insulting me and a lot of my friends because you wanted to make a broad ignorant statement.
shovas: Who is complaining about $3.33 per game? Seriously, guys, consider what Gog has to do to bring you these games. The value add Gog brings to the table is arguably worth more than their usual price points. All those addins? All the QA work making sure it works on xp/vista/7? What's wrong with you people.
Toast_burner: Its probably Activisions fault
But Activision had already re-released the games (XP and Vista compatible) on steam and retail for cheaper then this.
Exactly. They should have sold the first three for $6, second three for $10 (because they're newer and contain speech). Considering the first three do not contain the VGA remake, $10 is ridiculous. $16 is a decent price for all 6.
I own every Sierra collection and back then I paid €25 - TWELVE years ago!