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Number 9 for the week's best-sellers as of today.
DavidGil: Number 9 for the week's best-sellers as of today.

Then it looks like the price is not so high after all.
But I'm sure GoG would give it us for 5.99 if it was possible.
Post edited July 29, 2010 by gyokzoli
DavidGil: Number 9 for the week's best-sellers as of today.
gyokzoli: Then it looks like the price is not so high after all.
But I'm sure GoG would give it us for 5.99 if it was possible.

I can understand many a user finds $3.33 apiece for three games of this renown acceptable. On the other hand, I'm fairly certain it'd be higher (I'd bet #5-6) if they gave it for $5.99.
Also, agreed on GOG's supposed stance.
Post edited July 29, 2010 by DrIstvaan
kalirion: Abandonware is a term coined by people pretending they are not pirates, nothing more.
Red_Avatar: Yes it is more than that, you nitwit.

I'm sorry, you're right. I should have said "Abandonware is a term coined by people pretending they are not pirates, and who resort to name-calling when they can't think of a counter-argument, nothing more."
Menelkir: Why the hell is so many people nitpickin' in this thread INSTEAD OF PLAYING SOME OF THE MOST AWESOME ADVENTURE GAMES EVER RELEASED?????

Why choose, when you can do both? We can be a conscientious consumer, voicing our preference, and enjoy more SQ titles for less somewhere else. The fault lies not with (they're great), but with Activision. I guess I just Dare to be Stupid, and I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill though. :P
Post edited July 29, 2010 by EndlessKnight
shovas: Who is complaining about $3.33 per game? Seriously, guys, consider what Gog has to do to bring you these games. The value add Gog brings to the table is arguably worth more than their usual price points. All those addins? All the QA work making sure it works on xp/vista/7? What's wrong with you people.
Its probably Activisions fault
But Activision had already re-released the games (XP and Vista compatible) on steam and retail for cheaper then this.
kalirion: I'm sorry, you're right. I should have said "Abandonware is a term coined by people pretending they are not pirates, and who resort to name-calling when they can't think of a counter-argument, nothing more."

Oh, I can write a loooong counter-argument that wipes the floor with your weak point but I'm smart enough to see when it's pointless and in your case it is so why would I make the effort?
And you deserved the name-calling for basically insulting me and a lot of my friends because you wanted to make a broad ignorant statement.
shovas: Who is complaining about $3.33 per game? Seriously, guys, consider what Gog has to do to bring you these games. The value add Gog brings to the table is arguably worth more than their usual price points. All those addins? All the QA work making sure it works on xp/vista/7? What's wrong with you people.
Toast_burner: Its probably Activisions fault
But Activision had already re-released the games (XP and Vista compatible) on steam and retail for cheaper then this.

Exactly. They should have sold the first three for $6, second three for $10 (because they're newer and contain speech). Considering the first three do not contain the VGA remake, $10 is ridiculous. $16 is a decent price for all 6.
I own every Sierra collection and back then I paid €25 - TWELVE years ago!
Post edited July 30, 2010 by Red_Avatar
Well to those trying to use an abandonware argument it isn't relevant for these games. One of the fundamental criteria of abandonware is that you can't legally buy them any more. The games appearing for sale at GOG makes them no longer abandonware.
In the past I got some "abandonware" games because there was no way of buying them anywhere and I still wanted to play some. With retailers like GOG there often is no need to obtain games illegally, when you can buy them.
If you really want the games then wait for a special or buy them at full price. Otherwise play something else. Claiming them as abandonware is really a false argument and leads me to think that you want something for nothing.
There are games you can get legitimately free that publishers or the original game makers have released to the public, so go get them.
Abandonware is a really iffy topic but if you hold to the abandonware criteria then you can't claim any games being legitimately sold are abandonware.
deonast: Abandonware is a really iffy topic but if you hold to the abandonware criteria then you can't claim any games being legitimately sold are abandonware.

Absolutely agree.
But abandonware stills exists (of course this is not applicable to GOG's distributed titles).
Post edited July 30, 2010 by Lobuno
deonast: Abandonware is a really iffy topic but if you hold to the abandonware criteria then you can't claim any games being legitimately sold are abandonware.
Lobuno: Absolutely agree.
But abandonware stills exists (of course this is not applicable to GOG's distributed titles).

Sorry but unless you can find me a LEGALLY ACCEPTED definition of "abandonware" i'll just call you a lying pirate :P seriously though Abandonware as a concept great as a legal reality its a failed premise
I am still iffy about the price.
You get the whole pack at Steam for the half of what GoG offers(9,99€). I blame Activision for this.
Then why don't you go to steam and buy it? That's right, because its drm free, you don't have to install anything and you get bonus downloads and technical support. It's 9 measley bucks. That's nothing. It's not like anyone is forcing you to buy it here.
Longcat: Then why don't you go to steam and buy it? That's right, because its drm free, you don't have to install anything and you get bonus downloads and technical support. It's 9 measley bucks. That's nothing. It's not like anyone is forcing you to buy it here.

It's DRM free on steam has unlimited downloads and technical support the only thing you dont get is the bonus artwork iirc.
Longcat: Then why don't you go to steam and buy it? That's right, because its drm free, you don't have to install anything and you get bonus downloads and technical support. It's 9 measley bucks. That's nothing. It's not like anyone is forcing you to buy it here.

Because some of us don't want a steam-account nor need one? Btw, the cheapest way to get all games is to buy the classic collection from this well known commerce company, in any case for us germans and british guys). But this should not be really the point of this thread.
You just made my point exactly. You don't want to buy it on steam, you want to buy it here. Still people complain about the årige being lower on steam. If it's such a big deal to buy th game here it shouldn't be a problem to pay a few bucks more. Come on people, we are galning about 10 dollars here. That's chump change. To compare the prices to my len country, 10$ is about 60kr. Back in the day a boxed sierra game cost me about 500kr.
If you want the benefits of having it here, spend the few lousy dollars and support gog. If not, buy it somewhere else and stop complaining.