I've finished this game for the Dreamcast and it frequently frustrated me. Loading took forever. Never played a game that made me want to through the controller through the screen - except this one.
So it'll be a pass from me.
C'mon GoG, surely Alone in the Dark works in DosBox - at this point, what doesn't? Can we have some of the earlier games?
Kunovski: well, you could say the same thing about the first Wolfenstein for example :) (I'm sorry if I don't remember right and it had strafing) but bansama is probably looking for some console-like control system, where you push "up" and the character goes up the screen no matter what ;) still, I had no problem with "tank" control, it suits these games perfectly...
Eclipse: of course wolfeinstein 3d had strafing, you can't play it without strafing in hard, believe me
It had strafing, but I (like most people I knew) used the arrow keys for gaming instead of WASD. I believe that Q & E were used for strafing back then. But it's been a while. Perhaps Home and PgUp would strafe, too.