anjohl: Oh, so it's ok to invade other countries to get at terrorists as long as they are doing things we don't agree with?
I don't believe there has been an invasion of the Gaza Strip yet. As to your disagreement argument - This is not a mere disagreement. This is terrorists shooting rockets into Israel. Which has every right to defend itself and take out those who are attacking them.
anjohl: Brother, you are an AMERICAN. Does the declaration of independance mean ANYTHING to you? You *DO* know that your country was founded by those who disagreed with being subjugated by the British monarchy, and that there was a war fought to protect that independance?
Israel is not subjugating the Terrorists in Gaza - The Terrorists are attacking Israel with the stated goal of removing them from the middle east and Israel is defending itself. Israel has offered independence but the terrorists say no. If England would have allowed our independence there would have been no further action. You see we were not terrorists.
anjohl: HOW can anyone from America support this Pax Americana incubated, packaged, and sold to a stupid populace by Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al? If you attack, steal territory from, or enslave the people of a sovereign country, you are breaking the Geneva conventions, and going against United Nation protocol.
Emotional argument that has no basis in fact. Site examples please and remember we are talking about Israel and Hamas.
anjohl: It doesn't MATTER what the target is doing, unless their acts violate the above. Israel is attempting to expand their zionist farce under the guise of "defense", and you *really* think anyone without an agenda falls for it?
Do you really think anyone who can read:
"We categorically reject any compromise with Israel or recognizing its legitimacy, this position is definitive, even if everyone recognizes “Israel”.
Our stance on the negotiations and compromises made by the Madrid Conference, the “Araba Valley Retrospect” the “Oslo Accords”, the “Camp David Accord” is a total refusal to any kind of compromise with the Zionist entity, which is based on admitting its legitimate presence, and giving in what it occupied from the Palestinian Arab and Islamic land. This stance is predetermined and permanent and isn’t set for any compromise, even if the whole world admits to “Israel”.
Does not know what the actual agenda is.
anjohl: Give me a fucking break. Anyway, go back to your Nascar, shooting stuff, or whatever the fuck you idiots do for fun when you aren't messing the rest of the world up.
Your arguments are nothing more than personal, emotional, and exaggerated.