Oh, so it's ok to invade other countries to get at terrorists as long as they are doing things we don't agree with?
Brother, you are an AMERICAN. Does the declaration of independance mean ANYTHING to you? You *DO* know that your country was founded by those who disagreed with being subjugated by the British monarchy, and that there was a war fought to protect that independance?
HOW can anyone from America support this Pax Americana incubated, packaged, and sold to a stupid populace by Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al? If you attack, steal territory from, or enslave the people of a sovereign country, you are breaking the Geneva conventions, and going against United Nation protocol.
It doesn't MATTER what the target is doing, unless their acts violate the above. Israel is attempting to expand their zionist farce under the guise of "defense", and you *really* think anyone without an agenda falls for it?
Give me a fucking break. Anyway, go back to your Nascar, shooting stuff, or whatever the fuck you idiots do for fun when you aren't messing the rest of the world up.