Antimateria: Haven't seen any transformer movies. But I have seen Punisher, the first one and He-man.. both dolph lundgren starred. Those were pretty good. I almost saw a glimpse of good acting in punisher. Anyway Dolph is a good man. It even made the expandables better.
Those were good.. Their budget wasn't enormous but that was -80-89 or something. So i liked them. And Skeletor in the movie was good.
Final edit: And I lowned from my brother stepheng kingsin "IT" Iha jees. excuse me.. let's stick to english. it was good but now I did like the movie, not just the night mares that clown gave me.
Gromuhl: If you like explosions, the transformer movies are good, if you like a movie to offer more than that you'll be disappointed.
The Punisher movies weren't that bad. I seriously doubt a movie making some money if it was as graphic as the comics (then again, SAW does pretty well dispite everything)
And there's a He-Man movie? Wtf? I have to check this out!
I watched Stephen Kings "IT" when I was 10 years old or so. I still consider the first part as pretty good. The second part.......even at 10 years old I thought it was disappointing.
I still hate clowns though, as well as fake mechanical spiders :P
I couldn't care less with explosions. Movie to me is as a game. Experience. If there's much blast and a story is in the past and sucks. Graphics doesn't make a good movie or game. It always will be story. If i don't want to play some horrible bastard thing, I won't. It's neat to have good graphics but if story is utter shite.. then the money is gone to waste.
Why would I still like so many older movies.. Blade runner. What effects that got? Not much. Great movie. Batman 2.. the new one. There was joker, that was good movie. If I must mention some new one.
It's a good thing that films are made but they could but some else in there than 3d or explosien. That's what I like most RPG:s they develop.
I mean avatar.. never seen it at propably never rent it. so harrison ford rules.. and dolph lundgren. =)
So.. When finland is in nighttime.. does america wake up? And in australia.. Is there so many kengurus and alligators? =)
Nevermind. It's all right.. I just put this pillow on your face slowly..