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Gromuhl: I watched a lot of the transformer cartoons when I was 4-8 years old. In my memory they were awesome, untill I rewatched it a few years ago. What a pile of dung. At least they seemed good in comparison to the Michael Bay movies (then again, what doesn't?)

Just imagine what the Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh generation will feel like when they are grown up :D
Haven't seen any transformer movies. But I have seen Punisher, the first one and He-man.. both dolph lundgren starred. Those were pretty good. I almost saw a glimpse of good acting in punisher. Anyway Dolph is a good man. It even made the expandables better.

Those were good.. Their budget wasn't enormous but that was -80-89 or something. So i liked them. And Skeletor in the movie was good.

Edit. "Homer: what's a skeletor.."

Edit2: Some time ago I watched Miami vice-series, It really was still good.

Final edit: And I lowned from my brother stepheng kingsin "IT" Iha jees. excuse me.. let's stick to english. it was good but now I did like the movie, not just the night mares that clown gave me.
Post edited June 13, 2011 by Antimateria
Paradoks: I may be living in a past, but I generally still appreciate things that I liked as a kid. I can still play games that were released in the early nineties and enjoy them more than the current day "hits".
Talking about nostalgia - I think it may be a good time to put that Skull's Eye Schooner back together :P.
stoicsentry: I'm still surprised at how freakin' cool the original Transformers animated movie is. Used to watch it all the time growing up, it's still amazing.
Paradoks: The 1986 one? It sure is. And it had a really great soundtrack.
Yeah soundtrack was great, there were a lot of surprises in the movie, a lot of great voice actors they used (Stack, Nimoy, etc.)
Antimateria: Haven't seen any transformer movies. But I have seen Punisher, the first one and He-man.. both dolph lundgren starred. Those were pretty good. I almost saw a glimpse of good acting in punisher. Anyway Dolph is a good man. It even made the expandables better.

Those were good.. Their budget wasn't enormous but that was -80-89 or something. So i liked them. And Skeletor in the movie was good.

Final edit: And I lowned from my brother stepheng kingsin "IT" Iha jees. excuse me.. let's stick to english. it was good but now I did like the movie, not just the night mares that clown gave me.
If you like explosions, the transformer movies are good, if you like a movie to offer more than that you'll be disappointed.

The Punisher movies weren't that bad. I seriously doubt a movie making some money if it was as graphic as the comics (then again, SAW does pretty well dispite everything)
And there's a He-Man movie? Wtf? I have to check this out!

I watched Stephen Kings "IT" when I was 10 years old or so. I still consider the first part as pretty good. The second part.......even at 10 years old I thought it was disappointing.
I still hate clowns though, as well as fake mechanical spiders :P
Post edited June 13, 2011 by Gromuhl
nondeplumage: Have you gone back to things you used to really enjoy growing up, just out of curiosity? Have you found that most of it was actually pretty terrible, from your perspective now? Or have you instead been surprised to find that a lot of it still holds up to your standards of entertainment?
tarangwydion: For some reason, the youtube link above does not load for a long time, but I do know the soundtrack. In fact it was through that soundtrack that I came to know Queen.

I also did not know that they had low budget for the movie. So I guess that explains the "cheesiness of the special effects". I never watch the television series, though. Not the old ones, and not the new ones. I did read a few Flash Gordon comics, and I can say that the comics still are amazing by today's standards for me.
I also had that soundtrack on vinyl :)
Here's a video made with one of the best tunes off that soundtrack using montages of the animated series and graphic novels. I think it demonstrates quite well how the cinematic version was spot on with all things artistic in relation to it. (set design, costumes, art direction, etc.)
Antimateria: Haven't seen any transformer movies. But I have seen Punisher, the first one and He-man.. both dolph lundgren starred. Those were pretty good. I almost saw a glimpse of good acting in punisher. Anyway Dolph is a good man. It even made the expandables better.

Those were good.. Their budget wasn't enormous but that was -80-89 or something. So i liked them. And Skeletor in the movie was good.

Final edit: And I lowned from my brother stepheng kingsin "IT" Iha jees. excuse me.. let's stick to english. it was good but now I did like the movie, not just the night mares that clown gave me.
Gromuhl: If you like explosions, the transformer movies are good, if you like a movie to offer more than that you'll be disappointed.

The Punisher movies weren't that bad. I seriously doubt a movie making some money if it was as graphic as the comics (then again, SAW does pretty well dispite everything)
And there's a He-Man movie? Wtf? I have to check this out!

I watched Stephen Kings "IT" when I was 10 years old or so. I still consider the first part as pretty good. The second part.......even at 10 years old I thought it was disappointing.
I still hate clowns though, as well as fake mechanical spiders :P
I couldn't care less with explosions. Movie to me is as a game. Experience. If there's much blast and a story is in the past and sucks. Graphics doesn't make a good movie or game. It always will be story. If i don't want to play some horrible bastard thing, I won't. It's neat to have good graphics but if story is utter shite.. then the money is gone to waste.
Why would I still like so many older movies.. Blade runner. What effects that got? Not much. Great movie. Batman 2.. the new one. There was joker, that was good movie. If I must mention some new one.
It's a good thing that films are made but they could but some else in there than 3d or explosien. That's what I like most RPG:s they develop.
I mean avatar.. never seen it at propably never rent it. so harrison ford rules.. and dolph lundgren. =)
So.. When finland is in nighttime.. does america wake up? And in australia.. Is there so many kengurus and alligators? =)


Nevermind. It's all right.. I just put this pillow on your face slowly..
Post edited June 13, 2011 by Antimateria
Difficulties appear. He-man movie was and will be. The ending was good. For A childrens flick.
And now I have to get a smoke.
I once (well, twice) made the error of revisiting a couple of movies from my childhood on a misguided quest for "nostalgia" which I should have left well enough alone, namely "The Neverending Story" and "Ferngully: the Last Rainforest." The perspective, values, production-savvy and ironic self-awareness that one brings as an adult is just too much of a chasm to bridge with these things you often enjoyed as children. Though your millage may vary, of course.

With that experience in mind, I'm not going to big digging up old episodes of "Dungeons and Dragons" or "Duck Tales" either.

On the literature front, a lot of the "genre fiction" I read as an older child and young teenager, particularly Margaret Weiss & Tracy Hackman fantasy pulp and similar, suffered the same fate when I revisited it after a near-decade of college and grad-school level literary noddling. These series novels that were so enthralling to me as a kid, the characters more real than most individuals in my mundane life, I suddenly found shockingly lacking when I revisited it as an adult, full of purplish prose, sophomoric characterizations, and a hackneyed tense of tension & pace. Sometimes you can't go home.

I think the best pieces in one's formative life, film/music/novels and whatnot, are ones one can enjoy on a childhood and an adult level (and were written that way, or at least with a nod to an older audience), which is why I still find Willow, Princess Bride, and Star Trek TNG engaging. On the literary level, this applies to the various collections of old folk stories, urban legends, and the like I have lying around here. They're ostensibly written for a "young adult" audience but I still find fascinating, in the way Grimm's Tales have similarly endured for two centuries.
I stopped watching cartoons and reading comic books when I was about 7, they just failed to keep me interested. TV never interested me, (currently I don't even own one) so I never really watched it since. However, once maybe like a good 10 years later I happened to catch what I believe might have been the X-Men cartoon running on the TV at someone's place, so I stopped to watch for a minute. Apparently they were in space, and there was a puncture in their space ship (I know). So they headed out into outer space to fix it with some *drumroll* sellotape. As the tape flew off they accommodated it with a comment like: "Damn, the pressure is too high! The sellotape won't stick!" That's when I realised why I had stopped watching cartoons. Who ever writes them? Who comes up with that kind of shit?

Nevertheless, I remember when I was studying the French Revolution at school at the age of 16 or so. For some reason, it put me in the mood for revisiting an old childhood favourite - The Three Musketeers, so I got the book out of the library. Needless to say, it was a bunch of really childish rubbish. An utter disappointment.
the mask *facepalm what was i thinking back then............
FraterPerdurabo: snip
I can definitely relate. I think this sums it up pretty well :)
This sums it up. Enjoy ;)
So ... as a different twist on the subject "Never meet your childhood hero", anyone who saw the character Troy Barnes meeting* his child hero Levar Burton on the show Community, got may have gotten a smile from the subject line. :)

(*clip probably may not make total sense if you haven't see the show, or it might)
When I was around 14, my best friend and I both thought the Hudson Brothers' movie "Hysterical!" was the bomb-diggity. We just watched it again for the first time in 25 years...pretty awful.
Buffy the vampire slayer... I cant believe i liked the film or the series... though the was some lovely talent in there (not acting talent ;))