macuahuitlgog: They do not tell you in English, that you can only play the game in Deutsch. I only wanted to show you that English is clearly advertised.
This is where the real guilty party comes into play, I fear. Given German jurisdiction, every such store must sell the low violence version exclusively when Germans are concerned. The fact that you can be gifted a different version on Steam is actually something that could get them into trouble, but I doubt that any real gamer would complain there and the people responsible for checking such restrictions likely do not come to the conclusion that this could be the case.
Given that knowledge, the fact that they advertise the Low violence version only obtaining German language is a clear statement.
I agree with you though that both the phrase 'German language only available in Germany.' and the lacking dynamic generation in the language field are unfortunate.
As I said in my very first posting, I'd always love to support a fellow GoG member, as I like this community, but your first posting and approach towards Steam really seemed like they contained no whatsoever form of warning, which is not the case (however wonky it may be). Have you considered explaining your version and concerns in a more reasonable way towards Steam, trying to cooperate to improve the communication of such restrictions? Maybe you could reach a kind person through a polite request where an upset message just gets you an automated reply.