gamefreak1972: I can only hope life is really that different now, at least in Poland. Such self-righteous outbursts, while not exactly *common* in the states, aren't exactly rare either. I remember a SENIOR in one of my college classes going absolutely ballistic over religious issues that were none of her business (in other people's lives at any rate).
Vestin: It might have been luck of the draw in my case...
There obviously exists violence, antipathy, etc. As far as I can tell, and this is merely a shaky conjecture, out here negativity is a lot less "rigid", rational, dogmatic. If people dislike someone, it doesn't need any further explanation. There's no necessity for labels like "geek", no need to explain away and rationalize.
That's the way I see our young society at least: a disorganized, mercurial mess. An anthropologist could probably trace various influences and divide people into neat sub-categories, yet in everyday interaction things tend to be either blurred or implicit.
gamefreak1972: Lots of women do their best to AVOID conflict, at any cost. No matter how bold of a face she and her friends put on for an aggressor, I doubt they would have that conversation in such a public place again. People are not frail, but I do have reason to believe a fair number are indeed cruel. :(
Vestin: Don't people dislike mean people? Why would anyone want to associate with someone being rude over another person's choice of pass-time?
It simply doesn't add up ;P.
gamefreak1972: I understand the roommate thing, there are things you overlook once someone is firmly in the "friend" box.
Vestin: It's stuffing them into that box in the first place that can be a problem ;P.
gamefreak1972: However - your ex roommate has a great deal of raw potential there.
Vestin: That's almost verbatim what I kept saying... She's great at squandering, though.
Meh, I think that's enough gossip.
..I think I'd like Poland. :)
And, while I can't speak for all groups/subgroups/cultures in the states - I have watched "mean people" (bullies) band together for the sole purpose of being mean. As to the "why" of all that, I've been told it makes them feel more in control of their own pathetic lives, gives them a sense of power. I don't get it, but social skills aren't my strong point :)