Romulus: I found the topic you're talking about, its a little reassuring, but not exactly the same situation; he was accused of stealing credit card numbers.
From what I've read of the official line on things, if you're gifted a game from someone who bought it fraudulently, then that's the ticket to ban-ville.
Basically you're never meant to accept a game from an unknown user or anyone you don't trust. In fact, after reading Vavle's lengthy jargon on the matter it seems like they're saying any user takes a big risk accepting a gifted game from -anyone-.
For example, the most common seems to be sukkas who buy games on eBay and get the game gifted, or sent the CD key. Every instance of this I read on various forums are the ones which got hit with the banhammer.
Yeah, that's the one i meant, thanks for the link.
A mod on the boards seems to have fed him the bs about stolen CC numbers, but it appears that what actually happened was that the system looking for accounts used for pishing screwed up and mistakenly tagged his account, judging by the message he got from 'Miles' when his account got re-enabled.
So basically it's the same situation, an user account disabled without the user knowing why untill Valve either re-enables the account or confirms the account is perma disabled and explains why.
As for gifts,
"There is a Zero-Tolerance policy for any violations of the Steam Subscriber Agreement and Online Code of Conduct.
All accounts in a user's possession for any of the following activities will be permanently disabled:
Redeeming Fraudulent Gifts Never accept a gift from an unknown user. Any accounts tied to a redeemed gift from a fraudulent source will be permanently disabled.",
So basically i think you're right, it's a big effing risk to accept any gift. Even honest people that you know and trust are prone to having financial and bank problems/errors at any time and if there's a mix up or an error or something, there you go hat in hand begging for your games back.
That's what people get with the wonderful "you have nothing but a subscription" system. The hammer doesn't fall on the 'questionable' one item in question, it slams hard on evertything tied to that subscription.