Aatami: It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. I hate it when the characters seem to be grunting when absolutely nothing is going on at the time. It's hard to explain but if you've noticed this you will hopefully know exactly what I mean. :\
Also, in response to the above. I've played and completed a few of the Resident Evil games, Grandia 1 + 2 and House of the Dead. Those are the only ones that I immediately recall having disgraceful voice acting.
I know just what you mean with the grunting. I think it's a holdover from anime, where you can use it for showing that the character is listening while doing a dramatic camera pan over a still or something, but when rendered in English it just throws off the timing of the entire scene.
In a video game it just plain fails due to the fact that characters are, y'know, always animated. Or maybe it's because of the pause between the loading of audio files. Either way, it sounds wrong in English.
The "Moms are tough" line wasn't as bad as I'd feared it would be. Kinda silly outside an anime, and sorta weird in one as well, but at least it's grammatically correct. (It's got a predicate and a subject!)
As for Vanille, I dunno, I find her weirdly endearing. Must be the accent. Is it Australian or New Zealand? Well, aside from the fact that she's got that weird way of running. Why can't Japanese women ever run like normal people? It feels... sexist or something.
EDIT: Baten Kaitos. ARGH!