StealthKnight: Super Mario galaxy !? Please explain!
Your disappointed with the Wii? Once again I have to ask what you are playing. There is: the conduit, Resident evil 4, okami, Baroque, Excite bots, de blob, Tomb Raider Anniversary, opoona, elebits, Red Steel, Super smash bros: Brawl, Mario strikers charged, Mario kart Wii, Wii sports resort, etc. Plus there is more coming out: Cursed mountain, Murasame, Metroid prime trilogy, Juno: the grudge, Mini ninja's, Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga, spyborgs, Red steel 2, Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter, etc. There are plenty of games out there for the Wii, you just have to look.
I haven't played The Conduit, I hear it's meant to be decent, we will see.
Resi4, for me, I may be alone in this, but I *much* preferred it on the GC! Plus, having already played it on the GC, it's just a port... It's been done, y'know? Same for Okami. Good game but it's hardly a poster-boy for the Wii.
SSB Brawl felt like an inferior version of Melee!! It got so dull, so quickly! Gah! Frustrating! (I loved Melee btw,)
Mario Galaxy! I kept hearing how it's meant to be really similar to the old SNES versions in terms of gameplay and charm I guess. I found that it was annoying as fuck! I hated those silly shooting star sections, where you just fly about from little planetoid to little planetoid... Gah! I got the same 'thrill' from Sonic Adventure!
Mario Strikers is an awful game bro!! I'm a big football fan, I LOVE Pro Evo. Strikers shits on everything that is good about the sport! lol To be fair, I was looking forward to it so much, I played Mario Tennis and loved it (Still do) but yeah, again I was left disappointed!
Red Steel is terrible. It's so rushed! Fair play for trying, but Gah! Finish the damn game properly! Hopefully the second one will be better...
Wii Sports Resort is so dull! I hate all these shitty mini-game-y things on the Wii! The console is full of them! Okay, I'll be fair, it's good when there are a few people round, but as someone who is used to playing games like the PGR series, the old legendary Mario games from the SNES era, OoT, any number of N64 games; little table tennis sections, fucking canoeing and cycling mini-games do not cut it for me!
Maybe it's a case of developers not really being able to implement the technology properly, or just not willing to take a risk, but the Wii doesn't really cater for me at all. When I got it I had hoped it would do. I honestly think Twilight Princess is the only game I'd bother to play again from it. I'm not sure what it's like in the US, but in the UK, you go into a popular games store and the Wii section is full of shite like Dogz, Catz, Pippa Funnel's Horse Riding Shenanigans, etc. I don't even want to associate with it! lol
*Having re-read my post*
Please don't take any of this as a pop at you or anything like that! :) I got a wee bit heated because I am that disappointed! lol