AndrewC: The remake never wanted to be a fanboys wet dream; this is what fanboys don't generally understand: when a developer launches a remake of an old game it's to draw in a NEW crowd of players and maybe get some sales from the old fans. Another funny thing is that most of the people I've spoken to and most of the forums are actually pleased with this remake.
Actually, the whole remake seems pretty much built for fanboys of the original - while being able to flip back and forth between the original and SE versions was a clever touch, there were way too many concessions to the old engine for me to think it would really appeal to a new generation of players.
One of the first locations, the SCUMM bar, made this really obvious. The pirate swinging on the chandelier in stop-motion, and the close-ups when entering dialog, made SE feel like it was still an old game (well behind the current standard of Telltale or Microids) - bringing the whole thing up to current graphical and animation standards would have made the remake a lot more immersive.
Lots of scenes, like the witch's shop and the Fettucini brothers' tent, could have also really benefited from some artistic license... but instead we pretty much got high-res copies of the original scenes.