Leroux: Does this count? ;)
Social Justice Warriors (Didn't try it myself though.)
Maybe... I'm not quite sure :D But looks interesting nonetheless :)
babark: Antichamber is sort of like that, and a pretty interesting game too. Challenges your notions of instructions in games and expected things to do.
Another surprising example, if you ask me, is Spec Ops: The Line. You start out playing it assuming it is just some typical cover-based military shooter involving some random army grunts, but it ends up being some sort of crazy thought-experiment where the game is directly addressing you (the player) and making you question yourself and what you're doing.
Ooooh, Antichamber, I almost forgot about that. Also I remember TotalBiscuit talking about Spec Ops that it's a deconstruction of the genre or something along those lines.
F4LL0UT: To me a meta game is a second gameplay layer. Like a turn based map connecting and influencing real-time battles. :P
Depends on definition, of course :D