cogadh: Current rumor is they are responsible for the Netflix outage this weekend that still isn't completely fixed, but no one is admitting/claiming responsibility for anything (so far).
Delixe: They just keep on making fans don't they? They likely wont admit it because people would be royally pissed off. Then again that didn't stop them enjoying their private lulz at Sony while millions were pissed off being unable to play online.
Sonyhackgate was an ill-timed event from the start, if the major theft of financial information can every be called "well-timed". Japan's still hurting from the earthquakes and the near-meltdowns. You start poking at MegaJapanCorp, no matter which regional division, and somewhere along the line in the company's native country some low-level employees are going to start losing jobs, especially if the company has to start handing out freebies to keep their disgruntled customers. "Fuck you, Sony! You're taking too damn long getting the store back online so I can buy more things! Nevermind you're still trying to rebuild your country after a national disaster, I want my new things NOW!" God forbid the earthquakes had sent shockwaves clear across the Pacific to heap tidal waves on California, and the Sony Computer Entertainment America (the actual Sony Corporation buildings are in New York) offices be destroyed. "Fuck you Sony! You're not rebuilding your offices fast enough! You're in San Fran-friggin'-cisco! You ought to have enough practice rebuilding quickly after disasters by now! "
Most of this rant has fuck-all to do with Lulzsec, but it's sort of a cross section of the major demographic affected, and the order of their priorities. The first "letter" Lulzsec wrote when bragging about their theft of Bethesda's data raised a valid point about people these days forgetting major events at or around the two-week "since" mark. I mean, I hardly hear anyone talking about Osama's death anymore. It's only sparsely referenced in a few late-night talk show monologues, when the punchline involves "(insert noun here) Team Six)". And again I'm rambling already.... The perils of 36-hour shifts.
The point being, I hardly believe these guys are sincere in their "Robin Hood" intentions, and are more likely sensing their imminent doom and want to go out with a flash. And then when the Feds/SAS/GSG 9/WhatHaveYou come a-knockin', quickly pass over their stacks of blade servers with cardiac defibrillators and toss their CDs in the microwave, like that kid from The Core. Only this time, they'll be getting a different brand of Hot Pockets.