Barnell: I run to the other room and gab Little Nickel yelling “ Damn it man you got something to open this locked drawer?”
SirPrimalform: "Huh, that's weird. What makes you think Little Nickel has something that could help?"
(OOC: This was posted before all the items were listed in the other thread...) While I'm there I
search the desk for items. OOC: Edited because I forgot to bold my action and I can't find a rule against editing. OOC: No rule against editing my dear fellow.
Results of search:
Going back into the Belongings Room to see what Al Bundy was on about, you see the desk set against the northern wall. Checking the drawer you see that it is indeed
On top of the desk you see the same items Al had seen earlier: A logbook filled to the brim with chicken scratch detailing what items were checked in and when takes prominence in the center of the desktop, along with some various forms and reports(Most likely used by the Belongings Room orderly in his day to day routine) scattered around in various states of completion. Also on the desk you spot an old coffee mug with a picture of Garfield on it and his famous catchphrase
"I hate Mondays.", a cup full of writing implements, an old 80's style desk lamp, and some various reading materials the guard seemed to have borrowed from the room next door.
Deciding that searching for a key might be a better route than picking the desk's locked drawer, and that maybe you might find something useful among the clutter, you give the items on the desk a more thorough once over. You skim through the logbook, and note that it details all the items your current roommates brought with them when they checked in, as well as the items checked in & back out again(or thrown into basement storage if they weren't needed anymore....such as if the patient that owned them didn't want them anymore or died of natural causes during their stay.) over the past 5 years. After skimming a few pages and getting nothing much out of it then a quick laugh or surprise at the various things brought in over the past few years you put the logbook back down & concentrate on the rest of the mess.
The papers on the desk seem(from what you can make of them) to be things like daily visitor logs(of staff checking items in & out, or searching patient's effects for some reason or another), Day Room daily reports(the orderly who watched the Belongings Room also kept watch over the Day Room as well.), and the like. Not much seemed interesting in them, so after putting them back on the desk in a neat pile(for the heck of it) you continue your search.
Moving the books aside to see if anything is under them proves useless, and you don't see a point to keeping any of the reading materials as they don't seem like things you'd like to read currently(Or you've already read them a half dozen times previous.), and nothing happens to be under the desk lamp or coffee mug either when you check them as well.
"Drat....and I was so sure all my years of reading those Hardy Boys novels & crime dramas would've paid off here" you think to yourself as you simultaneously let out a sigh & chuckle quietly.
You are about to reconsider the picking the desk drawer open(If not ripping it open to vent some frustration at not finding anything in your current search.) when you remember the cup full of pens & such. Not expecting much, but not having much to lose, you tip over the whole thing onto the currently semi-clean desktop. Among the pens, pencils, erasers, loose paper clips, markers, and such you find something odd.....A
"Aha, now we're getting somewhere." You say to yourself as you pick it up and look at the locked drawer.
"Maybe....just maybe." Profanity: OOC: Sorry for my inactivness in here, it's the just last week of this semester and all of the teachers suddenly want huge projects, tests, exams and such unpleasantries, especially when they could have pulled these out a little earlier, as now we have loads of different shit to do and no time to do it.
OOC: No problem. When do you think you'll be available again?