mario.arreola: Linux and Windows XP user. I use Windows Xp for gaming, family and clients. Recently I've bought the Humble Indie Bundle V and it was pleasant to find that some of the games had deb packages for Debian/Ubuntu and forks.
I bought the bundle and had little issue with playing the Linux natives. Lone survivor isn't working and looks to be a flash game maybe. Its such a small production I had trouble finding out much about it or a solution, but on the whole I was very pleased at how normal it was to install and run the native versions.(OK Limbo is actually a Crossover thing, but its good enough)
RangerSolo: Just a thought here.
Since we do have a thread for people who want games linux and mac games here plus there is a wish thread for linux users as well. Would making a wish thread for mac games sound like a good idea? At least we could see what games plus the numbers for each of the games wanted for the mac.
Granted I know the normal fit is that the PC is best suited for games but I think the times have changed.
If there isn't one it doesn't hurt to make one. I tend to try and lump the two platforms together in a sort of strength in numbers attempt. Plus a lot of the issues / solutions we deal with are the same. Making a game that was designed for Windows tends to make it harder to port elsewhere, but if someone took the trouble to make something Mac or Linux friendly, then chances are they have a program that will port to all three platforms without near as much fuss.
I would say Mac and Linux users are probably very different kinds of people, but due to our collective market insignificance, and some technical cross pollination, we do tend to get fused together when gaming is the topic.
When it comes to how much interest Mac gaming can garner on its own, it seems like the Linux users in this community are either more vocal or numerous. I'm kind of surprised by that, having had the understanding that Macs were a bigger deal.