The lame kind, where it pains you to watch. (to keep it balanced, Pink is talented, and a performer - neither Gaga or Pink are my cup of tea, musically, but the difference is astounding)
No opinion about Gaga until the "Look At Me" part of her career subsides. Am indifferent to a lot pop music for that, but I still can appreciate it. Pink had the same thing going on at first where her 'look' was turned up louder than the music by the industries at large. There may be more method to the gaga madness maybe time will tell.
I was shocked though at how good a singer/performer Pink has become when watching this Grammy performance The stage show for this Circus record is top notch plus NO lip synching live while doing things her peer "artists" would get a stunt double for in a video is worth the price for her ticket, not her hype. Her heads ready for a crown.
I was intrested in this Daft Punk group after reading your posts. I listened some of their songs and didn't like it. There are more creative artists, like DJ Tiesto etc.
Wow this is in no way a knock at him, but Tiesto shares more in common with the pop artists mentioned here. Him and Laidback Luke, etc. would probably consider themselves influenced or preceding a group like Daft Punk, even though they are more popular now than ever. (Also why older folks might not be aware of their popularity with the "kids" these days)