wodmarach: Now why did I use a used car as a comparison? Because it's the one most used game advocates hold up as being a reason games companies shouldn't complain but lets compare.
A 2 year old car is sold it has 2 years of wear on the engine, brakes, aircon, bulbs etc etc most people will buy replacements from reputable sources namely the company that made that part so although the company lost the initial sale it still gets a profit from the parts.
A 2 year old game is sold it has everything it did 2 years ago exactly the same way it is now (minus some cosmetic changes scratches on the disc etc etc) now the store makes the lets say $6-8 profit (it's an old game after all) and the game company makes... oh nothing cause theres nothing wrong with it...
The car analogy is not very good. Doesn't matter if the used game advocates use it, or you do.
I'll explain:
You buy a new car: company gets 20000$ from the sale and 10000$ for parts down the road
You buy a used car: company gets 0$ from the sale and 10000$ from parts down the road
You buy a new game: company gets 60$ of the sale and nothing down the road
You buy a used game: company gets 0$ of the sale and nothing down the road
So really the parts argument is void. Comparing a facet of a business with another business which lacks that facet it pointless. I think "apple and oranges" fits.
wodmarach: Now people complain about the used book market etc.. the cost of a new book to a publisher is ~$1,000,000 if it's marketed well has a huge initial print run and they pay the writer say 40k advance (thats a big advance most are much smaller) The actual book in your had probably cost them $0.4 after economies of scale take effect (paperback) in the UK it sells for £8 (whats that? over $12 ok so we have VAT etc but they still get about 50% of that cover price as publisher) so here they are seeing over $5.60 in profit! they make a HUGE amount off the initial sale of a book.
Films even get to double dip! They get initial cinema sales and then they get <insert format here> sales! and even better the format changes every few years and they get to do it again!
Games are a new media it's going to take time for the market to arrange itself at least with DLC on consoles you don't get the situation thats on PC where theres basicly no used game sales possible.
1. I would actually like to see some factual data on those numbers. I'm really interested in book publishing actual costs.
2. The way you present it (numbers for books - maybe assumptions, maybe facts; and no numbers for games) sounds like you think that book publishers make HUGE amounts of money and game publishers don't make HUGE amounts of money. You would be sadly mistaken if that is the case. Good games bring HUGE revenues just like good books. Hell, bad games with good marketing bring HUGE revenues, which I don't feel is true for most books tbh.
3. Films double dipping? Yeah, because we don't have Game, Game Deluxe Edition, Game Weapons Pack, Game Horse armor, Game GOTY Edition, Game Ultimate Extreme Mega Edition... They got plenty of means of making easy money, don't cry for them.
Btw, I'm actually not that much opposed to Kingdoms of Amalur DLC thingy. I mean it's gotten more or less standard to offer bonuses at launch, it's just that usually these are pre-order bonuses (like I got the Explosive Mission Pack for Deus Ex: HR for example). So they are offering it to everybody who buys, not just pre-orders. Big deal... most DLC is a code you register to an account somewhere (Cerberus Network for example), it's not something you can resell even if you could resell the game.
The only part that bothers me is that this DLC feels CUT and not something EXTRA. If it's true then they deserve the backlash. If it's not true, and it's actually something extra, then again it's their fault for the way they present it (marketing fail). They make it a "statement" against used game sales. They are morons. Customers don't like their rights taken away (right to resell your shit). They should have just made it available 6 moths down the road (keeping it exclusive until then) and you wouldn't have seen this outcry.