johnki: So I've been interested in this game since the Kickstarter but I'm meh about Kickstarters and the waiting period between paying for and getting to play the game.
Is the game worth its current price or should I wait for a sale?
Well, it's been mentioned in another thread that it will make it's way here. Though I have been unable to find confirmation of this. If you can find out anything, it might be worth waiting just to get it DRM free here(and I will pick it up again here if it makes it). That being said, I've had some time to play it on and off today. I have no idea what the hell I am doing atm, but it is interesting and fun. The atmosphere is haunting. I really enjoy Ice-Pick Lodge's style of weirdness and Knock-knock is definitely full of strange. Which to me is a good thing. With that being said, I feel it is 100% worth the current price thus far, but that's my opinion. I am enjoying this game. And with today's weather patterns this game has been coincidentally appropriate. Or is it coincidence?...
Would like to add:
Even though I have no idea what the hell I am doing; I still feel compelled to keep exploring and doing it. I had these same sensations with the Void. My brain finds this type of seemingly abstract activity strangely satisfying. I also feel this way when playing games like SotS:TP. There is a surreal
ish atmosphere that oozes from this game that induces feelings in me of an almost dreamlike (or rather nightmarish) quality.