GameRager: I see hipster people.
/silly mode off
wpegg: What's a hipster? Is that like a really trendy hamster?
an old person with a hip replacement :) (I just had to XD credits go to 'the community')
SimonG: As a comparison: My favourite Science Fiction show remains Babylon 5. Hands down. And I really liked BSG 2003 before it went
cuckoo (But I stuck with it to end and for some reason really like the last couple of episodes). Of the Star Trek shows DS9 was very decent during the later seasons (well, they did steal from the best). Heck, I even liked that "Space: Above and Beyond" more.
Babylon 5 is an intelligent, well thought out adult show, with characters (and story) that make characters from every other sci fi show pale and two dimensional in comparison. I don't think that anyone will ever be able to make a show that will be even remotely as epic and profound as B5 (i'm a fangirl obviously). After i finished it i couldn't watch any other sci fi for a loooong long time because they all seemed too childish and superficial. I think firefly was the first sci fi i watched after this long break (well apart from occasionally watching the nth re-run of tng). And well, I loved it. It's the put-your-brain-to-rest and let yourself be entertained kind of show (and honestly after b5 i don't expect more from any sci fi show). it doesn't really go beyond pure entertainment but it does that really well. Plus the whole setting was refreshing, and (at least to me) the characters quite likable.
I know that everyone was raving about bsg2003, but the little i saw didn't impress me. It seemed way, waaay too angsty and dark (for some odd reason people really seem to like excessive angst nowadays), pretentious, the characters really unlikable and stereotypical and everyone seemed to have been in relationships with everyone (something i strongly dislike, and that makes it seem a little like a soap). How mistaken am I?
As far as other whedon shows go, I liked buffy when i was younger and regardless of what people might say about it, it's a show that has a lot of appeal to teens and people who don't normally like fantasy, and as such it beats the hell out of the modern shows/books/movies that deal with vampires. Unlike them, it has some wit and doesn't insult one's intelligence, and both sexes can find something in it to like. I saw only a few eps of dollhouse which i didn't like, it was bland. And I loved doctor horrible's sing along blog, even though the ending was anti-climatic. Dunno about the rest.