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spindown: The Kickstarter just reached its funding goal!
Wow. Just an hour ago, there were exactly 4,000 backers, and a total of some $299,200 or thereabouts. The announcement of the second game really helped a lot.

The average pledge on this one is ~$75. Which is a pretty damn huge figure.
Holy crap! Finally got through.

Now if they could only announce that the second game is Gabriel Knight, then the donations will come pouring in.

I wonder who the publisher is and whether they will allow her full creative freedom?
Let's just hope that the big packers are keepers. Anything could happen, especially when the amount of backers is pretty low.
PMIK: I wonder who the publisher is and whether they will allow her full creative freedom?
You're joking, right? A publisher for a kickstarter project?

If you mean a publisher that owns the name Gabriel Knight, it's Activision. I'd guess she would, considering her status in the industry, get quite a bit of freedom if they allowed her the use of the franchise. A bit less if they helped to finance her, but then again, they know they need to appeal to the fans of the original. Hopefully, Jane knows what cords to sing to them.
PMIK: I wonder who the publisher is and whether they will allow her full creative freedom?
Titanium: You're joking, right? A publisher for a kickstarter project?

If you mean a publisher that owns the name Gabriel Knight, it's Activision. I'd guess she would, considering her status in the industry, get quite a bit of freedom if they allowed her the use of the franchise. A bit less if they helped to finance her, but then again, they know they need to appeal to the fans of the original. Hopefully, Jane knows what cords to sing to them.
Jenses anounced, that they got outside funding for the second game. I guess that means a publisher. 50$ memberes will still get the second game as well thought.
PMIK: I wonder who the publisher is and whether they will allow her full creative freedom?
Titanium: You're joking, right? A publisher for a kickstarter project?

If you mean a publisher that owns the name Gabriel Knight, it's Activision. I'd guess she would, considering her status in the industry, get quite a bit of freedom if they allowed her the use of the franchise. A bit less if they helped to finance her, but then again, they know they need to appeal to the fans of the original. Hopefully, Jane knows what cords to sing to them.
Yeah like tomimt mentioned I meant the publisher she refers to in the latest video. Probably should have made that more clear, assumed everyone watched it.
PMIK: Yeah like tomimt mentioned I meant the publisher she refers to in the latest video. Probably should have made that more clear, assumed everyone watched it.
I missed that one, for some reason. Just fixed this travesty. :)

Lol, didn't even check this tread for a full day, and I get a pie in the face the first chance I get. :)

Obviously I'm quite excited about the news. This is probably the best chance we get to see new GK in the near future.
Post edited May 06, 2012 by Titanium
Titanium: You're joking, right? A publisher for a kickstarter project?

If you mean a publisher that owns the name Gabriel Knight, it's Activision. I'd guess she would, considering her status in the industry, get quite a bit of freedom if they allowed her the use of the franchise. A bit less if they helped to finance her, but then again, they know they need to appeal to the fans of the original. Hopefully, Jane knows what cords to sing to them.
PMIK: Yeah like tomimt mentioned I meant the publisher she refers to in the latest video. Probably should have made that more clear, assumed everyone watched it.
Well, I don't claim to be an expert on the definition of "indie", but doesn't a developer cease to be independent once they don't self-publish?
Crosmando: Well, I don't claim to be an expert on the definition of "indie", but doesn't a developer cease to be independent once they don't self-publish?
This is relevant on a game-to-game basis. Obviously, if they have a publisher looming over their head, they aren't strictly speaking "independent", but if it's only for a game, and they otherwise hold complete control over the studio, you could say they are independent.
Crosmando: Well, I don't claim to be an expert on the definition of "indie", but doesn't a developer cease to be independent once they don't self-publish?
Probably, yeah. But if you ask me, the whole debate on what's "indie" or not collapses when you realise Valve is actually an indie games publisher.

Creative freedom is what matters, and I don't really think Jane would be willing to compromise on her vision too much. As this Kickstarter clearly shows, her niche is small, but knows exactly what it wants and is willing to pay for it. It would be crazy for any publisher to try and mess with that.
Can't get enough of this:
Crosmando: Well, I don't claim to be an expert on the definition of "indie", but doesn't a developer cease to be independent once they don't self-publish?
Titanium: This is relevant on a game-to-game basis. Obviously, if they have a publisher looming over their head, they aren't strictly speaking "independent", but if it's only for a game, and they otherwise hold complete control over the studio, you could say they are independent.
Would you consider DoubleFine or Inxile to be indie? They've released games under publishers.

Ultimately I think it is irrelevant. The kickstarter funding seems to be going primarily into Moebius but it has allowed them to strike a deal with a publisher for the second game. That doesn't bother me as long as the publisher lets her make a good game.

Having said that, a publisher is going to be investing big bucks and I can't blame them for wanting to make sure their investment pays off.
lowyhong: Can't get enough of this:
Oh, wait, I wanted to buy that soundtrack. BRB.
But is their any reason for the publisher, besides money? Indie projects can still just go directly to steam or wherever and ask to have their game up, they don't even need to pay for a distributor as digital downloads are the future really, and no indie dev is going to bother with physical copies.

The games industry is literally riddled with examples of small groups who were lured into contracts with publishers, only to end up bankrupt, dismantled, and their IP's taken. The object of an indie developer is creating the games they would want to play, for the love of it. The object of a publisher is to create value for shareholders, meaning they will always try and dumb down final products to make the game appeal to a more broad audience rather than a niche, simply for profit.
Post edited May 06, 2012 by Crosmando
Crosmando: But is their any reason for the publisher, besides money? Indie projects can still just go directly to steam or wherever and ask to have their game up, they don't even need to pay for a distributor as digital downloads are the future really, and no indie dev is going to bother with physical copies.
If what we're all thinking is true and Mystery Game X is actually Gabriel Knight 4, there's no other way. The IP is held by Activision and they certainly are not going to sell it to her.