GameRager: I've never finished it but only because I cannot play really open games with multiple choices without certain....issues...becoming apparent. I do finish a bit every so often though. I love Peragus though, even if it is a training level.....and some of the planets as well.
I love a good open world game. Admittedly there are those that could really use more of a sense of direction. When you wind up feeling lost with no clue what to do next and it turns out you need to do some completely unrelated task some place to advance I tend to be inclined to chalk that up to bad design.
But overall I much prefer them to games forcing you down what is effectively a very narrow corridor. Not that I hate corridor shooters, it's just that they're never going to top my list of favourite games.
My main problem with KOTOR 2, imbalances aside, is the number of boring monotonous chore quests you're sent on. You're supposed to be a Jedi. Not a work experience kid. That on top of all the unfinished stuff is just too much. I loved Precursors despite its flaws because it knew how to be fun. KOTOR 2 doesn't.