shadowmirage: As pointed out by
SirPrimalform on the known scammers thread; this simple googling trick will quickly reveal a would-be scammer:
Just input the exact name of the user attempting to trade with you into the quotation marks, and the results should speak for themselves.
The scammer attempting to impersonate K_1269 contacted me, and again my bat sense was tingling, so I looked him up, and found this thread as one of the first results on Google.
Here's a screenshot in case it will help anyone distinguish him from the real "K_1269".
Notice the fullstop at the end of "K_1269." and the real "K_1269" further up on the list. Also note how the scammer earlier contacted me masquerading as "Big__McLargeHuge". I'm also a bit suspicious of Darthprymus, who contacted me with the same trade after I had blocked "Big__McLargeHuge".
Either the scammer is an idiot, or they are trolling me.
Since it's only a matter of time before any of us might get clumsily impersonated, make sure to always Google up anyone who contacts you via PM using the trick above, and to pay careful attention to a person's rep and join date when chatting with them in the forums.
Getting abit tired of being thrown in with the scammers just because im trying to do a trade or two and i've even offered to do it first. and as for doing it at the same time or near abouts just bad luck and i even stayed up an hour waiting for a response not even a no.