Crosmando: Some very naive and silly people in this thread.
- If Garriot really cared about video games and RPG's, imagine what he could of done with the 30 million dollars he paid to get a single trip into SPACE. The idea that anyone would give this guy money when he virtually bankrupted himself doing that is lunacy.
yeah, cuz cock sucking to gamers is -FAR- more important to him than following a life long dream of stepping into the same shoes and going into space like his ASTRONAUT father.
Crosmando: - Garriot's studio is built around social games, Facebook games and mobile platforms, so whatever this is - it will be most likely a social game, probably multiplayer too.
no fucking shit?!?!?! you mean that facebook / social games are the whole purpose of this studio?!?!?!
nahhhhhhhhhhh, your just fucking with us.
Crosmando: The guy has a great history of programming and designing some great RPG's, but the guy obviously hasn't been in touch with reality for the last 15 years. You would think people would have written him off as a lost cause after the abomination that was Ultima IX.
He hasn't programed shit since 1985, nearly 30 god damned years .... also: Ultima IX was a pretty good game once you got past the fact that it probably shouldn't have been shoe horned in as a numerical Ultima game.
Crosmando: Not to mention that it was Garriot who sold Origin Systems to EA...
yeah, and Chris shouldn't have sold Gas Powered Games: shit gets fucked when you roll as a high profile independent studio who is supposed to crap out diamonds with development costs that far out reach what is sustainable ..... then the market takes a dump and your standing there with your dick in your hand trying to figure out how your employees are gonna put food on the table when you can't pay them.