amok: so "Consoltards" is not demeaning? In another thread you talk about "PC super race" (I think it was)... not sure what you are calling this, but I call it demeaning. And there are many other of yours in different threads. it is a trend which is getting annoying, this was the last drop.
(apologies if I came off too harsh, but it has been very annoying)
I think it's a reasonable position, I reserve the right to question the intelligence of anyone who is a console gamer in spite of knowledge of how the PC is orders of magnitude more powerful technically. And money is not an issue either, I assembled my own PC as cheaply as a console would cost, but then upgraded it gradually over time with more expensive parts as my need grew. Combined with the low prices of PC games online, I have spent a staggeringly small amount of money on hardware and software which would have cost me much, much more on a console, and that's not even taking into account the high failure rate of console hardware, and how multiplayer services like Xbox Live actually charge people subscriptions. Not only do console gamers rip themselves off and rob themselves of better hardware, they support rip-off merchants like Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft who prey on ignorance and "convenience" to sell overpriced junk. World would be a lot better if everyone just assembled their own PC.
So yeah, console gaming has done a hell of a lot of damage to gaming in general. It has held back gaming by decade, degraded gaming by forcing every high-budget game to be designed for gamepad and TV play primarily, and so on.
I do not respect anyone who would willing support an industry which has damaged gaming so much. As I said I'm in favor of the separation of PC and console gaming, something like what existed in the 90's before the first Xbox.