akwater: Ok recently I got roughly half of GoG's Catalog, and then about 25 other games my PC. Then I had went to the PX on base, and got a PS3 and then proceeded to order another 30 or so games for that. That in addtion to my Wii and 360 ps2, psp and Ds has me wondering... Is it possible to have to many video games?
While my time is broken between working ten+ hours a day, hitting the gym for an hour, getting back to my hooch and playing XYZ for about an hour or watching a movie. I just kinda went shit, ive got 12 games that just got here from Amazon and I dont know what I want to start 1st.
What are your thoughts?
If that is close to your total video games I can tell you have have 100s more and I haven't hit any kind of mythical "too many" wall. Sometimes I have to decide what I want to play and this wastes 20 minutes, but that's okay in the grand scheme of things. If it's eating into other important budget items, then you should slow your acquisitions of new video games (new to you, I mean) as you seem to be slower at consumption than acquisition.