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nope. every time i turn around itunes has updates and nothing ever seems to change. i think they'd do better to put a product out and stick with it to make it as good as possible rather than constantly putting out a "new" phone. they're really rather ridiculous.

edit: oh, and a new connector! nice move.
Post edited September 13, 2012 by DieRuhe
Dzsono: Sony did the same thing with the Playstation 3, didn't they? Sold the system at cost or at a loss to penetrate the market and recover with games sales.
Just about every console did that. The only noticeable exception I know of was the Wii. Which was sold at a profit for Nintendo.
MonstaMunch: They are also arguing that LTE isn't covered by FRAND as it's non essential. Given that the vast majority of smartphone users don't live in areas with LTE connectivity anyway, they might be onto something.
Even if it is not right now, it will be marked FRAND very soon.
strixo: I have had the same flip phone for the past 7 years. You guys bafffle me with your phone giggles.
Indeed. Nobody actually needs these luxury items, but as with most of these things people think they do. I find it interesting that as much as I like tech stuff I'm not willing to let it take over my life as much as many other people do. As long as it complements my needs that is fine. Anything beyond that I'm not at all interested with some very rare exceptions.

Anyway, my older Nokia phone doesn't even flip. Got it as a prepaid phone some five years ago. I actually tried getting a newer fancier Nokia model (not a smartphone) about two years ago, and I returned it to T-Mobile a few days later because it had horrible reception in comparison to my cheapie phone. It may not look pretty and it's a bit banged up by now, but it works perfectly for what I need it: calls and voice mail.
nokia.jpg (19 Kb)
Post edited September 13, 2012 by mistermumbles
MonstaMunch: They are also arguing that LTE isn't covered by FRAND as it's non essential. Given that the vast majority of smartphone users don't live in areas with LTE connectivity anyway, they might be onto something.
Elenarie: Even if it is not right now, it will be marked FRAND very soon.
Yes, but not by the time the iPhone 5 goes on sale. I also don't think people are quite grasping what this obviously false marketing could mean for Apple. The iPad was banned in Australia because of it's false marketing. If you openly tout advantages of a product that don't actually exist, there are many countries that simply won't allow you to sell it.
Still using my iPhone 3G which I got for free, jailbroke it and using a cheap post-paid provider.

The phone itself sucks as hell, but I can't really effort to buy a new Android :)
mistermumbles: Indeed. Nobody actually needs these luxury items, but as with most of these things people think they do. I find it interesting that as much as I like tech stuff I'm not willing to let it take over my life as much as many other people do. As long as it complements my needs that is fine. Anything beyond that I'm not at all interested with some very rare exceptions.
*ahem* People do need modern phones. Only because you don't need them, doesn't mean that nobody needs them. Sure, 14 year old kids certainly won't need a smartphone. But mine has improved my life on so many levels, I consider it the best investment I did in my life. And this is only the benefits of my private life. For my professional life a smartphone is not a good investment but a necessary one.

Smartphones are today what the internet was in the early nineties. Or the car in the early '20. Or fire in the early stone ages. An intersting gimmick with potential but still extremely expensive for the "average user". But it will become more and more important in future life.
MonstaMunch: The iPad was banned in Australia because of it's false marketing.

They had to change the posters in retail stores and packaging detailing the technical specs of the device. They where claiming it had 4G support (the 3rd gen ipad) when it cannot connect to any existing 4G telcos in Australia.

It wasn't banned from sale. The iphone 5 will work with 4G networks in Australia, so there's no false marketing there. Forgive me If I don't think the ACC will take apple to task for claiming to be the thinnest smart phone.
Post edited September 13, 2012 by Porkdish
Porkdish: It wasn't banned from sale. The iphone 5 will work with 4G networks in Australia, so there's no false marketing there. Forgive me If I don't think the ACC will take apple to task for claiming to be the thinnest smart phone.
I was under the impression that it was banned from sale at one point, the ACC certainly tried to make it happen, and the ACC will legally have to take Apple to task if Huawei (the manufacturer of what is actually the thinnest phone) force them to.

On another note, I just found this, which I found hilarious:
SimonG: But it will become more and more important in future life.
Despite me growing up with computers and later being introduced to the internet some sixteen years ago, I guess I'm not entirely comfortable where this is all headed. Yes, I can see the benefits to an extent, but I'm concerned that we may become too dependent on ever-increasing hi-tech inventions as time goes by. That doesn't even take into account all the resources that will be needed for such and the matter of how sustainable that may be in the long run.
MonstaMunch: the ACC will legally have to take Apple to task if Huawei (the manufacturer of what is actually the thinnest phone) force them to.
That's not how the ACC work. They would only act if the claims where misleading enough to harm Australian consumers.

Finding out your phone isn't the thinnest on the market and then lodging a complaint with the ACC isn't something I can imagine anyone (worth knowing) could be arsed doing.
Post edited September 13, 2012 by Porkdish
More like iPhone 4.2

also: (nokia lumia)

Who's gonna sue whom first?
Post edited September 13, 2012 by keeveek
mistermumbles: Despite me growing up with computers and later being introduced to the internet some sixteen years ago, I guess I'm not entirely comfortable where this is all headed. Yes, I can see the benefits to an extent, but I'm concerned that we may become too dependent on ever-increasing hi-tech inventions as time goes by. That doesn't even take into account all the resources that will be needed for such and the matter of how sustainable that may be in the long run.
You mean like we've became overly depenend on electricity, cars, antibiotics? All extremely creepy high tech when it came out.
the more i think about it, the more i think the htc one x, which is cheaper is still a better purchases, but thats my opinion, shame really i really was hoping for more from apple
MonstaMunch: - LTE. This is the most blatent case of stolen technology I've ever seen. It was developed by HTC and Samsung, and they hold the patents. Apple is refusing to pay them for it, so in light of recent court cases, Samsung will clearly hit back hard, as they are clearly in the right on this one.
Apple already broke lots of Nokia patents with their first few IPhones (and refused to pay), and at least back then IPhones were not blocked from the market and Apple ordered to pay gazillion dollars to Nokia for the patent breaches, at least not at the same speed as the American court seemed to be in a hurry to pass judgement to Samsun in the recent Apple case.

I didn't check how it ended, probably Nokia and Apple settled it afterwards, or maybe it is still ongoing. But "for some reason" the whole thing seemed to proceed much slower than this recent Apple vs Samsung case.

Independent courts, my ass.
Post edited September 13, 2012 by timppu