MonstaMunch: - LTE. This is the most blatent case of stolen technology I've ever seen. It was developed by HTC and Samsung, and they hold the patents. Apple is refusing to pay them for it, so in light of recent court cases, Samsung will clearly hit back hard, as they are clearly in the right on this one.
Apple already broke lots of Nokia patents with their first few IPhones (and refused to pay), and at least back then IPhones were not blocked from the market and Apple ordered to pay gazillion dollars to Nokia for the patent breaches, at least not at the same speed as the American court seemed to be in a hurry to pass judgement to Samsun in the recent Apple case.
I didn't check how it ended, probably Nokia and Apple settled it afterwards, or maybe it is still ongoing. But "for some reason" the whole thing seemed to proceed much slower than this recent Apple vs Samsung case.
Independent courts, my ass.