Elmofongo: But Battlefiled 3 Multiplayer is not a Call of Duty Clone, Battlefield has always been like this since 2 from what people told me.
Navagon: Well that's the problem. You've played BF3, I've played BF2 (and earlier games). Neither of us has played both, so it's not really like we can debate which is more like what. But I will say that BF2 was pretty much a straightforward evolution of the BFs before that. It was Bad Company 1 that really changed the way the series played and I've got no clue how much ground BF3 has regained from that point.
Well in a sense BF3 is Bad company with 64 player, larger maps (biggest is Bandar Desert), return of Jets and Artilery Vehicles and Anti Tank vehicles, Has BF2 maps which includes the loved Wake Island, Close Quarters maps (smallest is Ziba Tower), Putting Stands on Sniper Rifles and Light Machine Guns for increased accuracy, the ability to completely prone has returned, and true aiming down the sights in shotguns.