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Edit: I really should not troll.
There is still hope. I will leave judgement until I know more.
Post edited May 03, 2010 by MichaelFurlong
We will only know when the game comes out, but I predict failure and epic suck. We're getting a game that will likely come out on 360 and PS3 at the same time as PC if that gives anyone a hint.
To clarify right away, I have never played X-com, barely heard of it. And I am a gamer. So you know, I play on consoles as well as PC. With that out of the way:
I think it is sad how negative gamers are today. From what I have read and heard about this game (and some of the cool stuff I have learned through the awesome ARG they are running for it) makes me kinda interested in it. The whole investigation mechanics sound awesome, the realism of it all sounds neat (how they found the one agent dead, seems like you are hurt pretty fast etc), and it doesn't sound like there will be much shooting. At least not to begin with.
So what if it doesn't play like the old ones. You can still play those. This is just another game in the series, bringing the series to new territories. Like what they did to Fallout 3. It plays a bit like the old ones, but it is vastly different. Is it a better game? No. But it is damn close to the old ones when it comes to having a good time playing a game.
I'm glad I am not one of those negative gamers. I'll have a lot of fun in the future with my Wii, Natal and maybe X-com
Durandir: So what if it doesn't play like the old ones. You can still play those. This is just another game in the series, bringing the series to new territories. Like what they did to Fallout 3. It plays a bit like the old ones, but it is vastly different. Is it a better game? No. But it is damn close to the old ones when it comes to having a good time playing a game.
I'm glad I am not one of those negative gamers. I'll have a lot of fun in the future with my Wii, Natal and maybe X-com

My only problem with this theory is that it has been more than 10 years since Xcom has been a based-turn-based-tactical-combat sim. It's so bad that OTHER COMPANIES are trying to make this game. That should be a sign to management, NOT to give us yet another shooter, yet another flight sim (although those are getting rare). The other companies games aren't perfect, but they have at least tried.
Disclaimer: I haven't tried UFO:ET, but I do like UFO:AM so far (playing with ComboMod 3). Don't know what GameSpot and other review sites have against this genre of games, but it seems they really, really hate them - unless they're Xcom. I fully expect glowing reviews of this when it hits the shelves. Question is, will it have staying power, or be just another forgettable shooter?
Durandir: I think it is sad how negative gamers are today. From what I have read and heard about this game (and some of the cool stuff I have learned through the awesome ARG they are running for it) makes me kinda interested in it. The whole investigation mechanics sound awesome, the realism of it all sounds neat (how they found the one agent dead, seems like you are hurt pretty fast etc), and it doesn't sound like there will be much shooting. At least not to begin with.

There is a distinct difference to what Bethesda did with Fallout and what 2K are doing with X-COM. Bethesda made a new game in the Fallout universe. It used S.P.E.C.I.A.L and VATS and was in the same universe. Ignore the fanatics and go to NMA the people who had pitchforks and torches ready for Fallout 3. They decided they didn't hate it. That was high praise indeed.
2K are making a completely different game not set in the same universe and not using anything from the original games. Yet they are calling it X-Com. Sorry XCOM. It's a pathetic attempt to make more money off the Bioshock engine while paying no attention to what fans loved about the original. EA were bad with C&C4 but at least they didn't ignore everything about the C&C universe and make a shooter about the beginnings of GDI using the Crysis engine.
-You will be joined in all missions by fellow FBI agents. In Flagstaff for example Agents Jonas and Frank tag along. Though 2K claims that the agents presence is part of a tactical-management angle meant to hearken back to the original X-COM strategy games, we didn’t see the ability to issue any sort of squad orders-like basic “go there” commands, for example-in our demo. But the game is still very early in development.

The fuck? How is that related to the old X-COM games and their squad mechanics?
Seriously, either let the franchise die a dignified death or make a game that fans will appreciate instead of making a goddamn shooter!
Gundato: While the game is indeed not looking good (no surprise there...), do you honestly think that the franchise is at all dignified at this point? :p
Enforcer and Interceptor come to mind.

Agreed. The X-Com license has been crapped on before with bad titles using the name, but that had nothing in common with its strategy origins. This is absolutely nothing new.
As long as the publisher has the rights to the IP, the franchise is never sacred. Guitar Hero and Call of Duty spring to mind.
TheCheese33: As long as the publisher has the rights to the IP, the franchise is never sacred. Guitar Hero and Call of Duty spring to mind.

Yes but did Guitar Hero have destructible environments and aliens and was arguably known as one of the top games of all time on the PC? No.
TheCheese33: As long as the publisher has the rights to the IP, the franchise is never sacred. Guitar Hero and Call of Duty spring to mind.
michaelleung: Yes but did Guitar Hero have destructible environments and aliens and was arguably known as one of the top games of all time on the PC? No.

The original Call of Duty is considered a classic.
michaelleung: Yes but did Guitar Hero have destructible environments and aliens and was arguably known as one of the top games of all time on the PC? No.
TheCheese33: The original Call of Duty is considered a classic.

I don't think it's classic in the sense like X-Com or TIE Fighter or Wing Commander are classic games though.
Sounds like it could be good, worth playing. Not great, but my expectations are never high for anything from 2K and I'm no fan of theirs. It'll be better than Interceptor and Enforcer, possibly even one or both of the other sequels.
People here are just whining. And look, more of the sheep mentality so prevalent on GOG's forums. I damn well know at least one of you doesn't like the X-COM games and prefers the console-ized style of game he's crying about. Effing poser. Stop trying so hard to fit in all the time. You know who you are.
RSHabroptilus: People here are just whining. And look, more of the sheep mentality so prevalent on GOG's forums.

"Sheep mentality", you say :> ?

Haw, haw, xkcd's always silly.
RSHabroptilus: I damn well know at least one of you doesn't like the X-COM games and prefers the console-ized style of game he's crying about.

I personally like both but I also like it when franchises with potential aren't shat upon to push out a generic FPS thats only peripherally related to the franchise. THAT is the thing that most of us are annoyed at, not the fact that it's an FPS but the fact it seems to ignore everything but the name of the original
RSHabroptilus: You know who you are.

Ok. I'll bite. Who's the traitor?