Durandir: So what if it doesn't play like the old ones. You can still play those. This is just another game in the series, bringing the series to new territories. Like what they did to Fallout 3. It plays a bit like the old ones, but it is vastly different. Is it a better game? No. But it is damn close to the old ones when it comes to having a good time playing a game.
I'm glad I am not one of those negative gamers. I'll have a lot of fun in the future with my Wii, Natal and maybe X-com
My only problem with this theory is that it has been more than 10 years since Xcom has been a based-turn-based-tactical-combat sim. It's so bad that OTHER COMPANIES are trying to make this game. That should be a sign to management, NOT to give us yet another shooter, yet another flight sim (although those are getting rare). The other companies games aren't perfect, but they have at least tried.
Disclaimer: I haven't tried UFO:ET, but I do like UFO:AM so far (playing with ComboMod 3). Don't know what GameSpot and other review sites have against this genre of games, but it seems they really, really hate them - unless they're Xcom. I fully expect glowing reviews of this when it hits the shelves. Question is, will it have staying power, or be just another forgettable shooter?