gameon: As for re-boots. It's ridiculous that Spiderman is getting a re-boot so soon after the last trilogy. Hulk was re-booted after one film with another no better than it, just different.
While I can't give information out on the Hulk thing (Because I don't have it), Spider-man was rebooted because Sony took so long working stuff out that Sam Remi went on to do something else. I don't know if this was out of 'We don't want to make another one', or 'We don't want to pay you anymore then we've been', but they took so long that they were going to lose the rights back to Marvel, so they rushed out the new movie so they could keep making them.
Edit: My few cents are, I don't mind all of them, I liked the first 2 Spidey movies (I walked out on the 3rd one a few times), didn't see the new one because I've been overloaded on the Origin story.
Thor was boring, but it was all setup for the Avengers which I thought was good. I liked Iron Man and even Capt. America, and while I enjoyed the Nolan darker Batman movies, I am ready to see more of the campy designs the character is known for. a challenge. It's VERY easy to fall back on super-cosmic threats because of his powers for people that just don't know how to write that much power. Linkara I think said it best when he talked about how the best Superman stories tend to be based around how much of his power is really needed. It's hard to believably put him in an underdog situation for him to climb out of, or something to challenge him to make the second act work.