cjrgreen: Service Host (svchost) doesn't tell you anything at all. All svchost is is a program that knows how to run one of the many system services. It doesn't tell you
which service it is running. Some of those system services are essential, and if you shut one of those down, you will force Windows to shut down.
if you're screwing with Windows services using Task Manager, no wonder Windows shuts you down. That's high on the NEVER, EVER DO THIS list. It's no different from reaching under the hood of your car and randomly pulling off hoses, then complaining that the manufacturer was incompetent because your car won't run anymore.
carnival73: An official notification window appears stating that ".NET Authority" is giving you ten seconds to save your work before it reboots your system.
kavazovangel: So, you've been 'tweaking' and 'optimizing' your Windows installation to run faster?
I wonder what are you going to shut down if you install Windows 7. Regularly, you'd have 70+ processes running.
carnival73: I thought you were trying sell Windows 7 XD
It's "NT Authority", not ".NET Authority".
This is the error message that you get when you have terminated an essential system process. In your case, it is clearly because you do not know what you are doing and should STOP NOW before you brick the computer.
It is friendlier than the result you would get if you were to remove a brake line from your car. But what you are doing is no less insane. NEVER, EVER DO WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
carnival73: The best way to learn about things that I don't understand is to play around with them.
Actually, that is the best way to break things so badly that you end up needing to pay a professional to fix them.