Rohan15: One, don't insult my intelligence. You don't know me and I don't know you.
stonebro: "Don't insult my intelligence"? I've only ever heard that line once before - on a COPS show uttered by the most stereotypical dumb american cop I've ever seen. Try coming up with something intelligent, then I'll consider not insulting it. As long as your posts reek of retard, expect to be insulted.
Rohan15: Two, I was simply asking which bands people can't stand. If this starts a flame war because some moron who can't except someone's interests and views, I'll take full responsibility.
No, you weren't. You were asking which bands people would "pimpslap" and stating examples of bands you would "destroy", then making a reference to another forum where you got in trouble for telling people to castrate themselves. I mean, really, what did you expect?
Rohan15: And lastly, I by no means promote FLAMING, FINGER POINTING, and IMMATURE LANGUAGE. If this offends you, then oh well. You shouldn't have read this post in the first place and commented.
See above paragraph. You use immature language at several points in the thread, including the title. I'm not offended by the language, I just think the post is so utterly useless I don't want it on the forums. The mere title suggests a flamewar - with you far from being an innocent inciter.
1) Cops sucks. It is the same thing every episode. Oh look, an arsonist just jumped a fence! Please, I see more action when I watch my dog chase its tail!!!
2) The destroy part was my way of emphasizing pimpslap. And the mentioning of the other forum was me basically saying; "This may or may not start a flame war. If it does, oh well, my fault."
3) I know I would be far from being innocent if/when this does start a flame war. DO you think I'm that slow? I know exactly what this may start and I know that everyone was going to respond differently. Also, if YOU think this post is utterly useless, then why did YOU even decide to post?
Point made.
frostcircus: Yup, Jagged Alliance 2.
I got to get that game. Have you played Soldiers: Heroes of WW2?