Licurg: Again, this is the whole point of this shop - that older games work on new systems. The oldest game I have from GOG is from 1987(before I was even born) and it works just fine. I installed then pressed the .exe and that was it :)
timppu: Yes, but I feel his concern is valid. Maybe there is some issue with those very games on his PC, that has necessarily nothing to do with the OS. Maybe graphics drivers or whatever. Even though GOG games tend to be more compatible with new systems, there's no telling that the GOG versions will not cause problems to him either.
And the general problem with digital purchases is that there are usually no refunds in case of technical problems, mainly because it is hard to tell whether there really is such a problem, or someone is just being cheapskate and wants the money back, keeping a copy of the game.
Unfortunately, no one can tell for sure for him that the GOG versions will run on his machine. Goes for any PC game.
My solution to this problem is having several PCs from different eras, with different HW (mainly graphics cards) and even OSes. If a game fails to run in one of them, there's still a good chance I can play it on another. That's why I usually keep my older PCs around, as long as they run ok. If those various PCs are mostly laptops, it helps with any storage problems. :)
If there was a way to proove to you that I purchased this game three times total for the retail price, I would.
Since that's impossible and you want to play hardball, I plead that you assume the worst and just tell me what the problem is, all other variables aside. I have two threads (on this website, more on others) that simply just beg that I play this wonderful game. I'm so desperate I'm willing to spend my time here asking others for help.
Normally my boyfriend does everything for me but since we aren't together anymore I'm left alone to deal with technical problems, and if you look at my other thread it's obvious that people love to throw technical terms and complex suggestions at someone who has already admit they are extremely ignorant to the whole PC gaming process.
Also, assuming you didn't read the whole thread, you'll notice this started off as a plea for help, a hopeful understanding that my ignorant self wouldn't have to deal with a bunch of technical problems for the cost of buying the game she already owns for the third time. I just want to play.