Elmofongo: Leons Campaign: NOT SCARY because I fight like I'm a martial Artist and I have a fucking partner with me and Aiming and moving among others
Chris' Campaign: Call of Gears of Evil Duty War
what a piece of mainstream "made to appeal to all taste" accessible trash/shit
the leon campaign was trying to appeal to what I want from resident but still it has to many things from action games to ruin it
Denezan: Oh good god why oh why do they keep releasing new games like this? Resident Evil has been done to death (pun intended) and really should be stopped now. I think people have played that many games like this that we get a thick skin and nothing scares us anymore. So it just becomes boring.
The games are stale, and the movies are stale. The last movie btw was the worst movie I have ever been a witness to. >.>
Exactly I wished it died like Dino Crisis so I don't have to suffer dissipointment
Oh you saw the new movie they were half the reason Resident Evil became to Actiony
Elmofongo: Alone in the Dark (the first one mostly) laid the foundation, Resident Evil perfected it
SimonG: Sure .....
Oh so its not true then thats what everyone says and from my experiance with Alone in the Dark 1 aswell
SimonG: Funny, I always thought it that Alone in the Dark. Which was, unlike the RE games, actually scary.
OmegaX: Damn, I was writing almost the exact same thing and you ninja'd me.
RE1 wasn't scary BTW. It was campy as hell and I doubt it was unintentional. Starting with RE2 they tried to be more serious and the REmake really improved the atmosphere. I wouldn't say it was scary though.
At least explain how the Remake was not scary for you so I can understand better