Cormoran: I remember the first xenomorph encounter in that game, it builds up to this scary reveal (to a monster we've all seen before) and the xenomorph jumps out and..........just stand there. stands there until I shoot it to death. I got to the bit where all I was fighting was combat synths and couldn't be arsed going any further.
To think A:CM was outclassed in every way possible by Aliens vs Predator, a game three years it's senior, a game not even considered to be the best in the AVP franchise.
Fuck you, Gearbox.
Maybe you have some older version. In mine the Xenomorph hid and then rushed me from a corner. But after teaming up became hard:)
DProject: Have you tried standing still, not moving at all, even firing the gun? The alien(s) should walk right past you then. Live and let live, man. That seems to be their motto.
Nope, doesn't works that way :)).