Ghorpm: For me the game was great up to the last chapter. For me it completely ruined the story. I think they chose the most trivial sci-fi element and frankly, it didn't even fit well. pimpmonkey2382's idea sounds a lot better for me.
Novotnus: I don't mind good paranormal or sf elements... but this one wasn't that good.
And I'll repeat myself: :)
(hopefully coming to GOG soon :))
JudasIscariot: Not yet :) I just got home so I have about 2 gallons or 3 liters of coffee to drink ( oh look FK right in the coffee, you see that, Zach?)
Novotnus: I need to watch my fingers, almost gave you a nasty spoiler :)
And if the scene works for you, you'll have another subiect for speculation :)
I gotta say fishing in Deadly Premonition is quite fun and relaxing since you get that nice theme to go along with it :D