darthspudius: Not only was it a fantastic game that never got boring... it was an Obsidian game that did not crash of bug out every 20 seconds. Did Obsidian FINALLY make a good game?!?!?!? :P
OK that's one opinion, however mine is that the actual 'game' part of the game is rubbish of the highest calibre.
The story and art are pure South Park and that was worth the price of admission, however the parts Obsidian were responsible for.. the actual mechanics and 'gameplay' is garbage.
I'm not particularly good at games, I like them but I certainly couldn't win a tourney but I stuck this one at hardcore, and despite random messing around I didn't die once, or even come close to it... The game is no challenge whatsoever, granted I'll admit hardcore gamers aren't really the main audience but to make a game with absolutely no challenge whatsoever.. is typical Obsidan.. good ideas, piss poor execution... and it's far too short, coming in at about 17 hrs and the collecting is, more than usual for a game, obviously padding.
If you love SP it's worth it, but if you are looking for an actual game, look elsewhere.