Bloodygoodgames: Of course it's Steam's fault.
GOG doesn't have regional pricing. Why? Because it's in the promise that they give to their customers. So, if a developer wants to sell here but insists on regional pricing, guess what? Sorry GOG doesn't want them.
Steam being the largest distributor on the internet has far more power than GOG does, and if they told developers it was one price for all or sell somewhere else, 90 percent of developers would go for it as they know Steam is the main source for their sales.
I can't believe you are so naive. Do you really think publishers would accept whatever bullshit Steam tries to force down their throats? They wouldn't. If Steam starts restricting publishers, they will just sell their game on another digital distributor. There are millions of DD sites, and even publishers started making their own services so they don't have to share the profits with anyone else (Origin, uPLay, Squenix FFVII). This is exactly what EA did with Crysis 2. Valve and EA didn't come to an agreement about DLC policy and then Crysis 2 was removed from Steam.
Bloodygoodgames: I just don't understand this fanboy fanaticism when it comes to Steam. They're nothing more than a mega corporation that's creaming as much money out of their customers as possible by allowing things like regional pricing (you don't think Steam benefits from the higher pricing? Of course they do), yet
millions of fools not only support them but spend millions of dollars there.
Because you are the smartest person in the fucking world. So everyone who buys from a digital store that YOU don't like is a fool, right? Oh yeah, right.
Bloodygoodgames: It's the same thing with any mega corporation that is ripping off their customers yet idiots do the "rah rah (insert company name here) dance" because they think the company is acting in their best interests.
Steam is ripping off who? They offer a digital store and sell games like anyone else in the fucking market. The difference is that they often have the best prices and the best features (auto-update, community features, easy-to-use, no need for installers). Steam is great as a service.
Bloodygoodgames: The ONLY best interest Steam ever acts in is it's own. And you'd have to be a prize fool to think otherwise.
Oh boy, i'm sorry to bust your bubble, but the best interest GOG ever acts is it's own too. Just like every other company in the world. Companies are created to make profits.