Zolgar: One of the lesser known commandments:
Thou shalt noot listen to any music beyond Church-Approved Gospel, nor shall you play any games not approved by the Church.
Adzeth: From what I've heard, the Christian church's (<-major generalization) problem with D&D and fantasy literature is that they have false deities, and when you play or read something with a false deity or two in it, you're worshipping 'em somehow. A guy who listens to a Christian religion radio channel told me that they were saying so.
It also teaches us that magic is good an acceptable. >.>
Remember, when something unexplainable happens at the hands of man, it's magic and bad. But when something unexplainable happens to the benefit of (some) men, but not directly by any of their hands, it was a Miracle and thus good.
Also, Moses was an epic level sorcerer!