Bloodygoodgames: It's the chewing on every conceivable thing that drives me nuts with mine. I have two. Had them six years and they are ENORMOUS because they eat so much :) But I love the little buggers to death -- just only let them out a couple of times a week under heavy supervision or my entire apartment would be one mass of teeth marks.
Ha, our (my and mi wife's) bunny is not chewing on anything, ever. The little bugger
is of a bit passive kind, even tho we've tried to entertain him - he's just lazy. But hey, at least he's not chewing on anything, so he can run free all day. And bite me in the leg. I used to think he hates me for whatever reason, but right now I swear it's just entertainment.
Anyway, I promised you a small modding guide - it does change the experience quite a bit from the original, however. It's a lot harder and time-consuming, and also grants you prettier graphics and some tweaks, fixes, things like that. If you want, PM me your mail.