Thanks Ian. Home today, like most people in the tri-state area here, All schools are closed, stock exchange closed, and in NYC, all mass transit is now shut down. I lost power for 5 days after last years Irene (have a generator though, which is great), and in all probability will lose it again this time. I'm about an hour North of NYC, and the wind is bending the tree tops pretty good up my hill here, but fortunately, most of the leaves are down as it's late fall, so no trees down yet. Got my 30 gallons of gas for the generator, fridge full of Coronas, and gaming computer ready to rock, so I'm all set ;-). Wishing all my fellow GOGers in the tristate area well, and stay safe! Here's a forecast pic some friends of mine were passing around a few days ago, before the storm slowed down a bit, and the big left turn was forecast ;)