Kristian: How much did you guys go for and how did you distribute it? I went in for $35, with around $14-15 going towards charity and the rest to the developers, with a Humble tip of $0.00. Made it count towards the Linux average.
pseudonarne: in the past I've done about 27%dev 58 charity 5 hib
all I've heard of is grimrock and dungeon defenders. are the others good or should buy just for grimrock?
It is worth the price for Grimrock alone if you don't already have it. The first Shank was ok. If you like games like Final Fight or Streets of Rage it might interest you. Binding of Isaac is a repeat but it has the new DLC with it this time. The game is a bit like the original Legend of Zelda, however if you don't like gross humor, you probably won't like it. Snapshot and Closure look ok from Youtube videos. Never played Dungeon Defenders.
From the games I have played I'd say its worth beating the average if you don't have any of them.