PenutBrittle: Anyone a little irked by Torchlight being in there? It's explicitly not an indie game at all (Runic is owned by Perfect World, which also publishes). The real sticking point is that it feels a bit like a cheap marketing gimmick for Torchlight 2, which comes out in two days. Will they sell more Torchlight 2 copies because of this? Probably.
I mean, Torchlight is a swell game and all, but there's a lot of indie games out there that would kill for the kind of exposure in a Humble Bundle so it rubs me the wrong way.
EDIT: Just noticed Elenarie's post. I don't feel that strongly about it, but still.
And yes, I would have a huge problem with SLP2000's suggested bundle if they tried to use the term indie. It's not just a word, it would be like a bundle of RPG games calling itself an FPS bundle just because.
I think the focus of being only "true" indie games was officially tossed out the window when Psychonauts made it into HiB5. No matter the state of Majesco at the time, the game did have a fairly major commercial release before and it made it in.
At this point I look at it as a group of good games you can get on the cheap and DRM free.